Designed by PvdW
Eden Amateur Fishing Club Inc.
If you are a member and “have caught the big one” have it weighed!  The club has competitions running
throughout the year.  To enter the competitions, weight tickets must be presented to the Weigh Master.

Our major competition is for the Heaviest Fish.  The weight of the heaviest fish in a nominated list of species is
recorded for the period from 1 July to 30 June.  There are four categories in this competition: Men, Ladies, Boys
and Girls.  The angler who catches the heaviest fish in each species in a category during the year receives a
trophy at our presentation night.

At the end of the year (June), the angler from any category who catches the largest number of heaviest fish is
awarded the Club Champion trophy.

Also from within this competition, one fish is selected by the committee in each of the categories (Men, Ladies,
Boys and Girls) each year for the Most Meritorious Fish award.

The second competition is our Fish of the Month competition.  This competition has three categories, Men,
Ladies and Juniors.  At the beginning of the year, a nominated species of fish is chosen for each month as the
Fish of the Month.  The list is published in the Newsletter and on the Website.  In any month, the angler
submitting a weigh ticket for the heaviest nominated fish in a category is awarded a cash prize.

The angler with the heaviest fish is also awarded 3 points, the angler with the next heaviest fish receives 2
points, and all anglers submitting a weight ticket for the species of the month receive 1 point.  Points are tallied
throughout the year and an All Rounder Award is presented to the angler scoring the highest number of points
by the end of the year, for Seniors (from Men and Ladies) and for Juniors (from Boys and Girls).
All fish must to be weighed at an official weigh station.  These include:

• Eden Amateur Fishing Club Inc clubhouse at Quarantine Bay, Eden by appointment.
• Eden Outdoor and Marine - in the main shopping centre, Imlay Street, Eden.
• Matildas Shop n Go- Princes Highway, at the top of the hill as you head south out of Eden.
• Kiah General Store - on the Princes Highway 12 minutes drive south of Eden.
• Wonboyn General Store - 33 kms south of Eden in the beautiful village of Wonboyn
• Shell Bait & Fuel Service Station - Betka Road, Mallacoota, Victoria. .
• Bermagui Bait and Tackle, 126 Lamont Street, Bemagui.
• Alpine Angler - Snowy Mountains Highway, Cooma.

It is the responsibility of every angler to make sure their fish receipt is correct when weigh in occurs.  All weigh
dockets must reach the Weighmaster within two months of the date of capture for validation.

The club also holds inter club competitions as well as Mini Competitions at various times and in various
locations.  These include the annual tri-club competition with the Pambula and the Merimbula Fishing Clubs, the
inter club competition with the Tuross Head Fishing Club, the Wonboyn Mini Competition, and our annual
Gender Bender competition which is a load of fun. This is The Guys versus The Girls, and it's very funny when
people have to bender their gender.  These competitions carry a variety prizes.
Eden Amateur Fishing Club, PO Box 125, Eden, NSW, 2551              email